Changes to Delivery Days Starting October 7th, 2024

Hi Flex Foods Family!
Starting on October 7, 2024 Flex Foods will be changing our delivery schedule to Mondays and Wednesdays of each week. Below, please find answers to the most common questions relating to this change.

Are the delivery times different?
No, only the delivery days are changing.

Why is Flex Foods changing its delivery days?
We’ve found that most people have different schedules and are at different locations on weekends compared to weekdays. By moving both deliveries to weekdays, we can ensure greater continuity and convenience for our customers.

When will the new delivery schedule take effect?
The new schedule will begin on Monday, October 7th, 2024.

How will this change affect my current meal plan?
It won’t. You will still receive the exact number of meals included in your purchased plan.

What happens if I’m unavailable for delivery on Mondays?
If you’re unavailable on Monday, you can receive all of your meals on the second delivery day, Wednesday.

Will my meals still be fresh if delivered on Monday instead of Sunday?
Absolutely. Flex Foods is committed to providing the freshest meals possible. We always deliver meals on the same day they are prepared.

Can I change my delivery address for the new schedule?
Yes! Simply log into your account dashboard and modify your delivery preferences.

Is there an option to skip a Monday delivery if I’m out of town?
Yes! You can skip a delivery by following the usual suspension procedure.

Will there be any changes in the cut-off time for placing orders?
No, the cut-off time remains the same. You’ll still have a full week in advance to choose your meals. If you forget to choose, you’ll receive the chef’s choice, which is typically our most popular selections.

How can I provide feedback on the new delivery schedule?
We’re here to help! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to email or call us.

Will there be any changes in pricing due to the new delivery days?
No, pricing will stay the same. We are committed to providing the best value for your money, even in this tough economy.

Our Most

Frequently Asked Questions

Delivery Area

Currently, Flex Foods delivers in the Tallahassee area only.  If you have a question about whether or not you are in our delivery zone.  Please contact us before placing your order to avoid time consuming refunds.

Delivery Days

Flex Foods now delivers twice a week on Monday (between 4pm and 8pm) and Wednesday Evenings (between 4pm-8pm). We encourage you to leave a cooler to place food in if you do not intend to be home during those times.

Do You Consider Yourself a “Picky” Eater?

Flex Foods does not modify menus on a per order basis (i.e “hold the tomatoes”).  However, we have a very wide menu so there is something for everyone.  We encourage you to check out this week’s menu for an idea of what is prepared and delivered before ordering.

Other FAQs

Yes!  Flex Foods is unique in that customer’s get to pick their meals from a variable menu with consistent choices along with weekly special offerings.  Forget to pick your meals?  Don’t worry, our cooks will package default meals from our most popular choices.

There are no contracts and you can cancel your subscription at any time.  However, we do not refund unused portions of a subscription.

Not at this time.  However, if you’d like us to attempt a re-delivery or hold your meals until the following delivery day we can gladly do that.

Flex Foods now delivers twice a week on Monday (between 4pm and 8pm) and Wednesday Evenings (between 4pm-8pm).  You can set your delivery address and instructions within your account dashboard.

Getting Started Is Easy



Choose Your Plan

Select from a variety of meal plans tailored to your specific health goals. Then choose your meals from a professionally prepared menu every week. There are plenty of meal choices on the menu including options for those on low-carb, paleo and vegetarian diets!



Meals Are Cooked Fresh!

Our food is prepared with three goals in mind: fresh, healthy and delicious. Two certified professional food managers are on property at all times and all of our staff is Sani-Safe certified.



Meals Are Delivered

Your meals are delivered predictably on Monday (between 4pm and 8pm) and Wednesday Evenings (between 4pm-8pm). Enjoy the best tasting meals you never had to cook!

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